
Device and Software Repository

  • Repository that holds the provisioning targets and assignable software distributions.
  • That includes a full software update history for every device.
  • Support for pre-commission devices in the repository and plug and play, i.e. device is created if it is authenticated for the first time.

Update Management

  • Directly deploy a defined software distribution to a device (by Management UI or API).
  • Update handling is independent of the device type, integration approach or connectivity.

Management UI

  • Create/Read/Update/Delete operations for provisioning targets (i.e. devices) and repository content (i.e. software).
  • Manage and monitor software update operations.
  • Optimized for professional users, e.g. administrators, developers and 2nd/3rd level support staff.
  • Ease of use drag-and-drop paradigm.
  • Flexible grouping of data.
  • Flexible filters for data browsing.
  • Responsive to resolution.
  • Lazy loading of data.
  • All information on one page.
  • Optional integration with Bosch IoT Permissions service for full multi user support with fine granular permission based authorization.

Artifact Content Delivery

  • Partial downloads supported.
  • Download resume supported (RFC7233).
  • Content management by RESTful API and UI (see above).
  • Authorization based on software assignment, i.e. a device can only download what has been assigned to it in the first place.
  • Delta artifact hosting supported.
  • Artifact signature hosting supported.

Rollout/Campaign Management

  • Secure handling of large volumes of devices at rollout creation time.
  • Flexible deployment group definition as part of a rollout.
  • Monitoring of the rollout progress.
  • Emergency rollout shutdown in case of update failures.


Management API

  • RESTful API
  • Create/Read/Update/Delete operations for provisioning targets (i.e. devices) and repository content (i.e. software).
  • Manage and monitor software update operations.
  • Online API documentation.
  • JSON payload with Hypermedia support.
  • Supports filtering, sorting and paging.

Direct Device Integration API

  • RESTful HTTP based API for direct device integration
    • JSON payload.
    • Traffic optimized (content based Etag generation, not modified).
  • Feedback channel from device.
  • TLS encryption.

Device Management Federation API

  • Indirect device integration through a device management service or application into hawkBit.
  • Optimized for high service to service throughput with AMQP messaging interface.
  • Separate AMQP vHost per tenant for maximum security.