Class that maps all messages that the com.kynetics.uf.android.UpdateFactoryService sends to the clients
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This class represents a message that the com.kynetics.uf.android.UpdateFactoryService sends to clients when it is waiting for an user authorization
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class CurrentServiceConfiguration(val conf: UFServiceConfiguration) : Communication.V1.Out
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This class represents a message that the com.kynetics.uf.android.UpdateFactoryService sends to the client as response of a Communication.V1.In.Sync message.
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class ServiceNotification(val content: UFServiceMessageV1) : Communication.V1.Out
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This class represents a message that the com.kynetics.uf.android.UpdateFactoryService sends to clients with the information about its state. This message is sent after each polling request or as response of a Communication.V1.In.Sync message.