data class UFServiceConfigurationV2( val tenant: String, val controllerId: String, val url: String, val targetToken: String, val gatewayToken: String, val isApiMode: Boolean, val isEnable: Boolean, val isUpdateFactoryServe: Boolean, val targetAttributes: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val timeWindows: UFServiceConfigurationV2.TimeWindows = TimeWindows())
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This class represent the com.kynetics.uf.android.UpdateFactoryService configuration
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fun UFServiceConfigurationV2( tenant: String, controllerId: String, url: String, targetToken: String, gatewayToken: String, isApiMode: Boolean, isEnable: Boolean, isUpdateFactoryServe: Boolean, targetAttributes: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), timeWindows: UFServiceConfigurationV2.TimeWindows = TimeWindows())
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data class TimeWindows(val cronExpression: String = ALWAYS, val duration: Long = DEFAULT_WINDOW_DURATION)
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Class to configure the time windows behaviour. It defines when a forced update can be applied based on a schedule defined as cron expression (QUARTZ) and a duration in seconds.