Class that maps all the messages that are sent to
Class to build a message to add target attributes
Class to build a message to grant / deny an authorization
Class to build a message to configure the service. When the new configuration can be applied live, a UFServiceMessageV1.Event.ConfigurationUpdated is notified. When the new configuration requires a restart of the service, a UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Stopped and a UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Started are notified.
Class to build a message to configure the service. When the new configuration can be applied live, a UFServiceMessageV1.Event.ConfigurationUpdated is notified. When the new configuration requires a restart of the service, a UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Stopped and a UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Started are notified.
Class to build ForcePing message. When the service receives a force ping message it polls the server
Class to build a message to subscribe a Messenger to the service notification system.
Class to build a sync message. When the service receives a sync message it replies with two messages, the first message contains the service state and the second message contains the service configuration
Class to build a message to unsubscribe a Messenger from the service notification system.
Class that maps all messages that are sent to that must receive a response.
Convert the object to the corresponding android.os.Message instance.